Sunday, April 21, 2013

Recap of Wen Ho Lee's supporters's website

I am very interested in how volunteers helped Wen Ho Lee's case. It turns out there is a website founded by independent volunteers: 

I especially like the independence of this website, which was independent from the victim, from its legal defense fund. It looks like this blog has a role model already.
Ok. Now this blog just copies exactly what did: an independent website advocating justice for Dr. Bo Jiang! 

More information about Wen Ho Lee's supporter website:


Cecilia Chang ( founded in October 1999. It was founded before Dr. Wen Ho Lee was indicted or imprisoned on December 13, 1999. is an online organization created and maintained by his supporters
for the sole purpose of advocating justice for Dr.Wen Ho Lee. It is an independent organization separate and apart from Dr. Wen Ho Lee, his family, his legal counsel, or any other person or entity that may be affiliated with Dr. Lee. does not represent Dr. Wen Ho Lee in any way whatsoever, nor does it receive directions or guidance from Dr. Wen Ho Lee or any of the parties mentioned above. initiates projects on the basis that it believes is the best way to seek justice for Dr. Wen Ho Lee and others cases like Dr. Lee.'s activities include reporting on the latest development surrounding the case, posting or linking news articles written by journalists throughout the country, posting support letters from individuals or organizations, initiating petition drives in collaboration with other organizations, promoting rallies, teach-in or any other activities initiated by us or others, and pursuing all avenues available to us to inform and enlighten the public and put an end to the persecution of Dr. Lee and others like Dr. Lee..
Furthermore, started out to promote fundraising efforts to benefit Dr. Lee in defraying his legal expenses. Financially and otherwise is independent of the Wen Ho Lee Defense Fund. Donations sent to Wen Ho Lee Defense Fund did not go to and vice versa. All donations earmarked for the Wen Ho Lee Defense Fund were routed directly to that fund. did not control or manage any contributions to the defense fund. Currently, the fundraising activities for Wen Ho Lee Defense fund has completed. no longer promotes nor transfer any donation to Wen Ho Lee Defense Fund.


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